Thursday, 26 September 2019

Going For The Silver Medal For Enviro School

Going For The Silver Medal
For Enviro School
On thursday at are school had Enviro Day we where
Going for the silver medal. The people
That where testing us where cody and kirsty the leaders
Of the envirogroup.The things that we did on
The enviro day was making dreamcatchers,
Pirate Ships, pot plants, and lots of other things that I can not remember. When Cody and Kirsty where
Deciding if we were good enough for
The Silver Medill.
But instead when I was asking if we
Got silver medal I was so surprised that
We got a green gold instead
of silver medal. Are school had been
On bronds for a long long long time

Friday, 6 September 2019

all about Bees

A bee is an insect that is from the apidae family.

A Bee has an abdomen the abdomen is at the bottom of the bee. The thorax is in the middle of the bee. A bee has a stinger which is at the end of the abdomen which is used for hurting the predators if in danger.A bee have Compound eyes 2 little eyes and 3 smaller eyes at the top of the head. Pollen basket the pollen basket is used for holding the nectar that they collect. 4 wings they have 2 big wings and 2 smaller wings. They have 2 anteny. They have hairy bodies so they can camouflage to hide from predators and if they can't they have to sting them.

Bees are found in hives and in honey comds. Bees are born in the honeycombs that bees take a longtime to make.Bee can sting people or animals then they will die soon after ( die in 3 min )they collect pollen to make honey.