Monday, 29 June 2020

Pattern ball

we are learning to communicate and work as a team.
me and my team  took not sa long as i thought it was going to take.
we had 3 balls to play with.
ball 1 was a chest pass.
ball 2 was a bounce pass.
ball 3 was a rugby pass.
To communicate we had to make a pattern we also we had to call out peoples name out so we know where the ball is going next so the patten can just keep on going.
I found it easy to know how i was passing to.
we found it tricky to make the video.

Friday, 26 June 2020


I was learning how to use sub headings.
Next time I would change what I wrote for some of them.
I found it tricky to think of what I was going to write for my paragraphs so I didn't copy it off the internet word for word.

What is Matariki?

Matariki is a group of 9 stars in the night sky that is only visible at a certain time of year which is in June and July. Matariki is a Māori name for a group of stars also representing the Māori New Year.

How many stars are there in the Matariki group?

A Māori astronomer named Dr Rangi Matamua who’s been researching Matariki For 30 years discovered nine matariki stars in the sky instead of 7 which lights saw.

The names of the nine Matariki stars.

This is the star that signifies reflection and hope.

Pōhutukawa is the star that looks after the people who have passed on and keeps them                        safe.

Waitī connects with all the fresh water and food sources.
This is the star that connects with the ocean and the food source within it.

Connects with the rain.

This star connects with everything that grows in the ground to be harvested or gathered for food.

This star connects with everything that grows in the trees.

This star connects with winds.

This is the star that you can grant wishes on. Some people say if you wish on the star your wish will come true if you don't tell anyone.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times tables

we are learning are times tables.
going to be learning two times tables each week.
this week I am learning   9x3 & 9x9.
I found it easy to highlight the ones I know.
next time I would change the colour of used.
I found it easy to put on my blog.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Helps and hinders for refugees

For the last couple of days we were learning about helps and hinders.
I found it easy to do my background. 
Next time I would change what I wrote.
I found it tricky thinking of what to write.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Ahmet's journey

today we were doing journey and a comet.
the book is called the boy at the back of the class and
it about a boy who is a refugee named Ahmet.
I enjoyed making all the slides. 
I found a tricky to make with a slides.
next time I would change my people.
my digital learning object shows that I can use Google slides.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Corpus Christi and transubstantiation.

today we were learning about Corpus Christi and transubstantiation.
I found an easy to make my background.
I found tricky to find the definition of transubstantiation and Corpus Christi.
next time I would change my background looks like and my font.
my digital learning object shows I can use Google drawing to explain things.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Trinity Sunday

today we where learning about  Trinity Sunday which is 3 and 1 the father son and holy spirit.
at school a teacher  showed us that an apple is kind of like the Farther, son and holy spirit.
I found it easy to draw my apple.
I found it hard to write the words down so quickly.

Monday, 8 June 2020

May reflection

today we did I may reflection.
I found it easy to do the reading one.
I found it tricky to do my Trivia.
next time I will change the shape I did for my May photo.

bling your blog

today we were learning as how to get the new blogger and how to change the background.
I found it tricky to do most of it.
I found a easy to take the photos and post them.
Next time I would change the colours I chose and my background.



Friday, 5 June 2020


In room home we are learning about homophones.
The homophones we are learning about is there their and they're.
this is the sentence as we were doing.

they went to visit their aunty.
please put your coats there.
flights has eggs only when they're hard boiled.
their house is almost 100 years old.
and lots more things like that.

I found it tricky to put there their and they're in the right place.
I found it easy to spell them?

Torch Challenge

make a closed circuit
found it easy to make the light bulb glow because I do stuff like that with my dad.
My group found it tricky to use or 6 wires and the cardboard.
next time we would try to make the light bulb glow for longer than it would.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020



The day of Pentecost the disciples were in a house.
The suddenly the house began to shake.
Then a strong wind came through the house.
Then flames were on their heads but did not burn them.
They started to speak different languages then went and told everyone about how Jesus and how he gave us the Holy Spirit. They were talking in different languages with you but if you did not speak their language they could still understand them.
That day everyone started believing in Jesus.
It is a flame.

Do you know what would happen if I turn it the other way?

 It turns into a dove.