Thursday, 30 July 2020

july reflection

today I was doing my july reflection.
we do a July reflection to reflect on all the work that we are going doing during July.
I found it easy to put the photo on my blog.
I found it tricky to sing or what I was going to do with some of them.

this is mine.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

photo collage

This afternoon we where learning how to make a photo collage. earlier this morning we went to a Enviro Centre. we had to  rethink reuse and recycle plastic things. my teacher took some photos while we're at the Enviro centre and that's what we had to make into a photo collage.

I found it tricky to put the photo collage on my blog.
I found it easy to find the right photos to put on my photo collage.
my digital object learning shows that I can use canva and put it on my blog.

This is mine.

Friday, 24 July 2020

David walliams

this term we are learning about David walliams.
he is a actor a TV judge a writer and raises money for charity and a comedian.
i found it hard to find the fact I needed.
I found a easy to think of what I was going to do for my background.

Thursday, 23 July 2020


 this week one of the teachers from our school made a challenge we had to make a poster all about faith.
I found it tricky to think of what I was going to do in it.
I found it easy to put the background on the little saying I have in the corner.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Report writing

this week we where learning how to put a report that together because we had a report about lions and we cut it up and put it back together in paragraphs we use classification,  description,  habitat and a dynamic fact.
I enjoyed growing them on and highlighting them.
I found it tricky to put them in the right place.

Friday, 3 July 2020

Matariki stars

we are learning about matariki because there is matariki is coming up very soon in the school holidays
I found it easy to think of the facts I was going to do on it.
I found it tricky to take the photo because I have already hung it up on the wire.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Matariki breakfast

this morning we had a share breakfast to celebrate matariki
it was really cool to have a breakfast at school and sit at home.
I enjoyed eating all the different foods bit different to my normal breakfast.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020


today we were doing our general fiction which is all the learning weeded and June.
I found it tricky to thing of the number that we had four points.
I found it easy to write down memorable moments.


We are learning how to read decimals.
the temperatures from Auckland slides for us so we can learner decimals.
we have made of videos so the teacher than Auckland could see how we're gone with it and you guys can also see a learning.
I found it tricky to learn decimals.
I found it easy to play the games that they made for us so you can understand decimals.
my digital learning object shows I can use screencastify and put it on my blog.

here is the video about decimals.