Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Ruru art

last week and this week we were learning about the Ruru so we did some art on it.
1. we through the outline of the owl.
2. we did patterns on it.
3. we died it.
4. then we sharpie'd the outline.
5. then we stuck it on the back of white and black paper.
6. then we stuck are named at the bottom.
then we were finished.

I found it easy to do the sharpie.
I found it hard to think of the colours I was going to use.
next time I probably change the patterns I did.

This is mine.

Friday, 21 August 2020


Last week we were learning about faith. 
So we maid faith poster. 
We did some sayings and stuff about faith and also what faith means to you. 
I found it easy to make the backgrounds and find what I was going to say for it.
I found it tricky to think of what faith means to me.
Next time I would change my backgrounds.
My digital object learning shows that I can use Google slides.          This is mine.


Maths quiz

On Monday we were doing a times tables game.

We had to write down the times tables we will learning and we also got to choose how much time we had to answer the question. We got given 25 questions and we had to try and get a mini right as possible. I really liked it because he was a little robot that was telling us what to do.

I found it easy to set it to the right things so I could play my level of learning.

I found it tricky get the right answers.

Next turn I would change the time I had.

This is my score.

if it is green I got it right.

if it is red I got it wrong.

if it is blank I didn't get to answer it.

and if it was Orange I would have been close to the answer.


This week we were learning about the Sacraments we learnt all the things that were sacraments and what was not a Sacrament.
yesterday we made some posters about the Sacraments. 
I found it easy to design my poster. 
I found it tricky to work out the symbol and ritual.
Next time i would change my design. 
My digital object learning shows that i can use google slides. 

This is mine.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

laughing owl

this week and last week we where learning about an extinct animal native to New Zealand I chose the laughing owl. I chose the laughing now because there were lots of facts about it but some of them just didn't feel right so I only have a couple.

I found it easy to write my report on the laughing owl.

i found it tricky to find the facts.

Next time i would put some more facts.

                                                             The laughing owl


They are mainly found in New Zealand in forest and sleep in Caves or big holes in trees, rooke lands or open country.


They eat frogs, bats, lizards,tuatara, large insects and big, medium and small birds.


Things the eat this owl are stoats, ferrets,weasels, Rabbits and Māori people.


adults were dark brown with yellow stripes on their feathers.

some had brown with yellow tips. The Laughing owl is about 29 centimetres tall so about the same size as a morepork.

dynamic fact

the female laughing owl is actually bigger than the male laughing owl.