Friday, 29 November 2019

Why we celebrate Halloween

I have been learning about why we do Halloween because it is so interesting.
I enjoyed making my pumpkin and background and writing down all of the facts about Halloween.
I found it challenging to write down all the facts because you had to listen very closely to the video.
I would change my backgrounds my fonts and pumpkin.

the history of Guy Fawkes

I have been learning about how a man wanted to blow up Parliament and he was with a gan of men and they were all Catholic mean.
I enjoyed writing all of my flex down because I never knew them.
I found it challenging to write down my facts because I never knew them and I had to get of the facts because you had to listen very carefully to the video.
I would change my fireworks and colours of background.

St Mary MacKillop

I have been learning about Mary mackillop and her life.
I enjoyed making my Mary because you could only use shapes and gradient colours.
I found it challenging try and make my Mary because you only got to use shapes and gradient colours.
I would change my colours and background because I could make them stand out more.

10 year old McDonald's cheeseburger

I have been learning about that McDonald's never decomposers.
I enjoyed writing my facts because I never know that McDonald's never decomposers.
I found it challenging getting my video correct because I wanted to get all the words correct.
I would change background and find because I might be able to make it stand out more.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Diamonds fractione

I was lening about how to do my fractions  because they are so easy when you know them.
I enjoyed making my marry because you only got to use shapes gradient colours.
I lounge challenging trying to make Mary out of shaves even though I have made a person out of shapes before.
I word change my shapes and colours makes time because I could make it stand out more.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

The delicious dumpling recipe

The delicious dumpling Recipe

Dumpling pastry

You get the Dumplings pastry and mack sure it is not gone hard. 
Then you put the meat in the Dumplings pastry but bo not put  to much
Or else yours will overflow and also don't put too less or yours  will end up to be a tarko.then you dip your fingers 
Into the water and then you use  your fingers that are wet 
And slide them on the edge of the Dumplings pastry
Then close it carefully. Get your fork and squish down the 
Remaining pastry with the fork and then fry it ! or  just cook it anny
Way you won't then it is eating time!!      



Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Is it or is it not

I Have been learning about how to do fractions because it is just so easy to do when you know them .
I enjoyed doing it because I got to do lots of awesome things and curlers.
 I Found it challenging because I could not find the place where you can get your backgrounds but a friends helped me and told where it is.
Next time I would change my style, shapes and backgrounds .

Upside down world

I have been learning about how to how to tell the difference between real and fake photos because we
don't want to buy stuff we do not need.
I enjoyed making the photo because I can be upside down  trying to get my favorite animal.
I found it challenging to make all the right size grass pieces because I had to fill up all the space.
Next time I would change my idea because I could make it a lot more interesting.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Going For The Silver Medal For Enviro School

Going For The Silver Medal
For Enviro School
On thursday at are school had Enviro Day we where
Going for the silver medal. The people
That where testing us where cody and kirsty the leaders
Of the envirogroup.The things that we did on
The enviro day was making dreamcatchers,
Pirate Ships, pot plants, and lots of other things that I can not remember. When Cody and Kirsty where
Deciding if we were good enough for
The Silver Medill.
But instead when I was asking if we
Got silver medal I was so surprised that
We got a green gold instead
of silver medal. Are school had been
On bronds for a long long long time

Friday, 6 September 2019

all about Bees

A bee is an insect that is from the apidae family.

A Bee has an abdomen the abdomen is at the bottom of the bee. The thorax is in the middle of the bee. A bee has a stinger which is at the end of the abdomen which is used for hurting the predators if in danger.A bee have Compound eyes 2 little eyes and 3 smaller eyes at the top of the head. Pollen basket the pollen basket is used for holding the nectar that they collect. 4 wings they have 2 big wings and 2 smaller wings. They have 2 anteny. They have hairy bodies so they can camouflage to hide from predators and if they can't they have to sting them.

Bees are found in hives and in honey comds. Bees are born in the honeycombs that bees take a longtime to make.Bee can sting people or animals then they will die soon after ( die in 3 min )they collect pollen to make honey.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map

Today I was learning about how to use ctrl + h to find my History.
I enjoyed learning about how to use ctrl + h because I can find out what I have been on. I found it hard toi did not find anything hard to do. My 24 hour digital footprint map shows what I have been doing lately and done. Next time I would change the colour of my feet.

Thursday, 13 June 2019


Hi my name is Sarah. I go to St Mary's School. I am in year 5. I come from Tairāwhiti, Gisborne. I have two brothers and one sister. I live on a farm. I have a 8 cows, 3 Cats, one dog and 45 chickens. My cow names are Daisy, Maisy, Snowflake, Casper, and Dixie. I am quite good at writing and maths.

I'm really good at art. After school on Monday and Wednesday I have got hip hop and on Friday's I have got swimming lessons. I have the best teacher in the world! Mystically she inspires me to do lots of good learning in my writing, maths and RE.

On Saturdays I have netball. This year I can't wait because I'm going to get a little baby bunny. My bunnies name is going to be Poppy.

Sunday, 31 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.