Friday, 21 February 2020

I Am from

I Am from
I am from a brick house with an 11 meter long pool
a long driveway with a bright green letterbox 
A trampoline.

I am from 
A warm kitchen with warm smells. 
Pizza, hamburger, steak egg and chips. 
 Cupboards filled with eggs, Pasta & noodles.
Fruit bowl with Apples and bananas.

I am from
 Watching a movie on Friday night.
Bike up and down The road.
Going to Midway Beach diving in the waves.
Yahtzee, bingo, Monopoly, knucklebones.
Six60, ABBA.

I am from.
Emptying the dishwasher, folding the washing, feed cat,
wiping the windows, vacuuming, make bed ,
pick fruit, making lunch.
“Have you done the dishwash yet’’
“ go and tidy your room NOW”   

I am from.
My mum and dad. 
One sister, two brothers.
In the sitting room, kitchen, bedroom.
How was your day?
Stories told 
Life sheard

I found it easy to write what i wanted to write.
I found it hard to think of what i want to write
Next time I would change what i wrote.

Horouta waka

On Tuesday we had one of the people that work at the museum in town come out to
our school. she asked us some questions about the Horouta waka and how the Horouta waka came to New Zealand. some questions like why did the Horouta waka have two  hull. on the Horouta waka was The people from a far far away places called Hawaiki. the people on the Horouta waka were paoa,  kiwa, Hinehākirirangi ,Hineakuapaoa and kiwa,  Hinehākirirangi and Hineakua came from Hawaiki is where New Zealand got it's kumara  from.
I found it easy to put the sand on the glue to make the horouta waka
I found it hard to put the sticks in the driftwood.
Next time I would change my drawing on the flags and my background colour.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

interesting facts about dragonflies

In Room 1 we were learning about the Amazon rainforest dragonflies. Our teacher is reading us the explorer. It's about a plane that crash in the amazon rainforest, and they have to survive in the forest... and we don't know for how long ...
I found it easy to find of my facts. 
I found it hard to find my dragonfly pitcher.
Next time I would change my facts about dragonflies.