Friday, 21 February 2020

I Am from

I Am from
I am from a brick house with an 11 meter long pool
a long driveway with a bright green letterbox 
A trampoline.

I am from 
A warm kitchen with warm smells. 
Pizza, hamburger, steak egg and chips. 
 Cupboards filled with eggs, Pasta & noodles.
Fruit bowl with Apples and bananas.

I am from
 Watching a movie on Friday night.
Bike up and down The road.
Going to Midway Beach diving in the waves.
Yahtzee, bingo, Monopoly, knucklebones.
Six60, ABBA.

I am from.
Emptying the dishwasher, folding the washing, feed cat,
wiping the windows, vacuuming, make bed ,
pick fruit, making lunch.
“Have you done the dishwash yet’’
“ go and tidy your room NOW”   

I am from.
My mum and dad. 
One sister, two brothers.
In the sitting room, kitchen, bedroom.
How was your day?
Stories told 
Life sheard

I found it easy to write what i wanted to write.
I found it hard to think of what i want to write
Next time I would change what i wrote.


  1. Good job Sarah. You could have put your brother and sisters names and age. You did good though. Keep it up.

    1. I know I could have put their names and age but we are not allowed to at my school.


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