Friday, 18 September 2020

Maori language week

this week we where making a book on book,
because it is Maori language week we made a book from English to maori.
I found it tricky to find the animals.
I found it easy to the maori words.
Next time i would not do so many birds.
This is mine hope you like it.


  1. Kia ora Sarah,
    Your book will be great for people to use who are learning te reo. You can embed the book directly onto your blog. That way, your readers will be able to hear your audio.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

  2. Kia ora Sarah,
    I would love to see the book embedded here. Are you able to edit the post and put the link in as well? I would love to har the audio that accompanies each image.
    from Mrs Torrie


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